Divine beatitude
Succulent radiance of the heart
Dripping with gold
Bathed in starlight
The warmth of heaven
Embalmed in the heart of the Christed feminine
She has returned.
Make me a vessel for your love
Make me a vessel for the words forgotten by many
Make me a vessel to make those remember
Who have forgotten the holy Shekinah
She who lives one thousand years as eternity
Immaculate grace that sings with ecstasy
Fiercely alive in form. To drip with ecstasy and burn with life.
I am alive.
Help me to remove the veils and sheaths that divide me from the Truth of Grace. May all invisible sheaths be dissolved in the divine coding of Holy Love.
May I come alive in my full Remembrance of Who I Am again
Help me remember who I am through all Eternity
May I blaze in grace and burn in God
May I fully be lit in the Christed feminine light of the Holy Sophia
May I be resurrected once again as Her in Form.
Here now on earth to anchor and embody Heaven on Earth.
Paradise in the stars and dew drops of thick honey conceived in divine perfection of harmonious resonance, kissed by She who is Holy, Fiery and alive as Light.
~ Nicole Hemmer