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Are you ready to embody your fullest, purest and truest Sacred Feminine essence as a woman?
We are living in a world that conditions us from a very young age to hold back who we are. We are taught to be overly masculine, forceful and independent. The majority of us are never taught as girls to honor our femininity and the unique expression of our Soul that we came to embody on this Earth. The qualities of softness, grace, gentleness, receptivity, an open heart, compassion, intuition, radiance, devotion, and mystical connection with the Divine; along with the beauty of luscious surrender—have been long forgotten in this increasingly automatic, robotic and machine oriented world. There is a deep yearning and hunger within each of us to reclaim our original and true essence, and embrace our feminine nature as women.
Have you ever asked yourself why self love is something you have to learn and practice—and is not intrinsically natural? When in our life did we lose the connection to our original innocence? Why is it so difficult to feel and connect to our deeper feelings and emotions? Why do we sometimes feel such a deep existential loneliness—as opposed to feeling deeply held, loved and supported by Life? Why do we struggle to fully feel our feminine power and express this in the world?
…Why do we sometimes not feel safe to be our full authentic self, and instead choose to dilute and diminish ourselves for morsels of external love, acceptance and approval? Where does this fear inside of us come from to simply and unapologetically be ourselves fully? Why is it so hard to cultivate a loving and nurturing relationship with ourself? What exactly are these negative and destructive forces within our feminine psyche that push us down, make us highly self critical and make us feel “not good enough”? There are so many inter-generational and collective woundings of the feminine which affect us all in different ways.
I have passionately researched these questions over the last 15 years through working with hundreds of women all over the world. It’s been my life’s calling and mission to support women to reconnect back to their sacred feminine nature and embody the feminine principle of life. What I have found is that there is one common theme that almost every woman I know struggles with—perhaps even you struggle with. There is one specific root cause for not being able to fully rise and shine in our fullest self love and expression.
It is the Mother Wound.
Often times we didn’t grow up with a mother that nurtured these healthy feminine qualities within us. The mother daughter dynamic plays a pivotal role in shaping our development and who we become as adult women. Often times, our mothers were physically there for us growing up, but were not necessarily able to meet us on an emotional level. If we did not receive enough love, care, sensitivity, emotional attunement, receptivity and empathy from our mothers growing up in relation to our feelings and needs, it creates a strong wounding in our feminine nature as adult women that has negative impacts and consequences in many areas of our life.
Struggling to find a good life partner and / or struggling with toxic relationships with men
Not feeling fully alive, connected and supported by Life. Often feeling alone existentially…struggling by yourself
Having a difficult time feeling yourself fully in every moment, and knowing what you need
Not feeling loved and seen in your deeper essence, heart and very being
The fear of being fully visible in the world, and being your full authentic self
Lack of self worth, confidence and setting healthy boundaries
Often doubting yourself and not being fully anchored in your true value & worth
Not being your full self because of the fear of what others may think about you…minimizing who you are
Feeling not appreciated and honoured by others…
Perfectionism and needing to control everything to feel safe
Being too controlling and rigid, and not feeling safe to be vulnerable
Having a high tolerance of being mistreated by others
Lack of healthy boundaries in standing up for yourself and honouring your feelings and needs
A feeling of comparison and competition with other women
Self Sabotage, Self Judgment and Self Hatred
Depression, anxiety and addictions
I grew up with a mother that exemplified to me the essence of the Divine Mother in human form. Throughout my life I could never imagine Mother Mary as an external figure, but always felt this energy directly from my own mother growing up. My mother was an empath, and could always feel me—therefore I experienced a strong emotional bond and emotional attunement growing up. If we experience having a mother who is attuned to our emotions, able to feel both herself and us, we learn to stay connected to our feelings throughout our lifetime because they are being validated, honoured and acknowledged by the presence of our mother.
Because my mother could feel me, I learned how to feel myself.
It is because my feelings, sensitivity and emotions were seen and felt by my mother, that I learned to respect them in myself and stay in my heart’s center. If we don’t grow up with a mother that has the capacity to honour our feelings, and instead dismisses or diminishes our feelings and emotions, it has very strong negative consequences on our emotional development and being able to embody the healthy sacred feminine essence and wholeness that is our birthright as women.
The qualities of love, care, warmth, compassion, empathy, selflessness, generosity, humility, purity and innocence are paramount in healing, restoring, activating and awakening the Sacred Feminine Presence within.
I only realized later in my life, that one of the reasons I was able to emotionally connect so deeply with women and sisters in my adulthood and feel people so deeply was because of the deep emotional nurturing and bond I received from my own mother. When we experience a level of emotional attunement and intimacy from our mothers growing up, it supports us to stay connected to our own heart throughout our lifetime. If our heart was felt and seen growing up by our mother, it naturally will strengthen our connection to our feelings and emotions throughout our life—and as a result we are able to communicate how we feel, set healthy boundaries and make sure we are honoured and respected in relationships with men.
By being honoured in our heart, we are then able to honour the hearts of others we are connected to. Its when our heart has not been seen and felt by others growing up, that it becomes more distant from ourselves as it retreats back through the lack of presence, attunement and connection. If we experience an absence of heart energy growing up, then its often a journey back to our own heart that happens in our adulthood. A journey of reconnecting back to our original innocence and learning to reconnect and feel ourselves strongly once again.
A heart that has received nurturing, love, and emotional attunement and connection is able to remain whole, blossom, flourish and shine in a world where many hearts have been shut down and stunted in its development. It’s up to each of us to nurture and restore the sanctitude of our Heart—and then as an offering of devotion and service, to nurture and honour the hearts of every human we come into connection with. No matter how injured, disregarded, or hurt our heart has been throughout our lifetime, it is always possible for each of us to heal and restore the fragmentation within.
The honouring of our heart—and seeing, feeling and acknowledging our heart is a key to restoring the heart of humanity. It happens within each of us, and we all have a unique role to play in the restoration of the heart of humanity—which is the Divine Mother principle of life.
These pictures below, are a visual representation of how the women in my program FEEL through journeying together with me in this program. They feely deeply loved, held, seen, and supported—often in ways they never experienced before in their entire life.
It’s not something I learned mentally—it’s something that I directly experienced—which makes it a powerful healing medicine and elixir that I share with sisters in my program. Experiencing something directly is the only way to heal and restore that which is starving for presence within us.
Because I directly experienced this healthy feminine emotional attunement and love from my own mother, this has resulted in me becoming who I am today. It’s the reason why I am able to help & support other sisters and women to heal - restore - and awaken the Sacred Feminine presence within, in order for them to reclaim their wholeness as women and also receive what their heart and innocence has always needed—yet was not able to receive while growing up…
This is my mission, soul’s calling and dharma…
You as a woman, are on this Earth to fully shine as the Being of Love that you are here to be. You are not meant to live with armour & hardening’s around your heart, and its your feminine birthright to be the living embodiment of love’s light and inner radiance. You are here to express your Sacred Feminine essence and wisdom through the unique portal of your soul. It's time to unleash the starlight within and come back to being your true, natural, and pure essence as a woman rooted in her grace, softness and sacred feminine essence.
Softness - Gentleness - Holy Feminine Energy - Sacred Feminine Embodiment - Love - Purity
For those who don’t know me so well, after working with thousands of women around the globe in nearly all continents the past 10 years, and a 20 year background in personal transformation, feminine lineage healing, coaching and spiritual development—what I have come to realize is that true transformation happens in our lives when we commit to our healing, growth, and evolution.
We are not here to do this alone, and investing in support & connection with evolutionary feminine guides and mentors who we feel a heart connection and resonance with, is a way that catapults our life out of stagnation and stuckness—and is the ultimate gift that we give to ourselves on our path.
After studying Transpersonal Psychology at one of the finest institutions in the world and receiving my Master's Degree, I underwent my own journey of clearing deeply embedded imprints within my feminine lineage. Both my grandmothers survived war, rape, abuse, and there is a lot of intergenerational trauma that runs strong in my feminine lineage. The imprints and energetic conditionings that were affecting me from fully stepping into my soul’s leadership were: playing small, doubting myself, fear of speaking my truth, fear of being visible, owning my self worth, embodying my full power, fear of being too much, and reclaiming the full sovereignty of my soul. I underwent a deep stripping away process, of unraveling all the things within my psyche and soul, that were not of my true essence. As a result of all this inner work, I truly blossomed into the woman I am now—embodying the sacred feminine light and deeply anchored in the Holy Feminine presence and essence. I also wrote and published my first book Soul on Fire: Divine Reminders on the Path of Awakening in the spring of 2019. I was on fire igniting the flames of women’s soul’s around the world.
I am originally from Canada and have travelled the world (I have visited over 80+ countries) inspiring and empowering thousands of women to awaken, reclaim and embody their full Sacred Feminine Presence, Heart & Wisdom—rooted in their full feminine power and unapologetically standing in their radiant light, wholeness, self respect and noble Queenly dignity as a woman of Light on this Earth.
I've also been a keynote speaker at international conferences in Europe for women such as the Global WIN Conference in Oslo, Norway and the W-Event in the Netherlands. In addition, I have conducted hundreds of sacred women circle's, workshops, retreats and classes with women in Germany, Canada, USA, Switzerland, Netherlands, Japan, Israel, Hawaii, South Korea, and Bali.
The time has come for women to fully embody who they are, rise up and shine their sacred light. When we're playing small, we're doing both ourselves and the world a disservice. It is only by stepping into our true power of soulful and aligned sacred feminine embodiment that we can LIVE and BE the transformation we wish to see more of in this world. Our own essence and being, transmits and reminds others of the purity of the Sacred Feminine. We live the teaching by becoming the teaching. Our very embodiment of the Sacred Feminine Presence and Light is a gift, blessing, revival and medicine for this world that is starving for what has long been forgotten…
Phase 1 is focused on Soul Activation. What does it mean to be fully the woman you know you are meant to be in this lifetime? What is holding you back from being the most expressed version of your self? What core wounds and patterns from childhood are affecting your current life? We will be diving deeply into the emotional, psychological and spiritual dimensions that block and impede women from fully unleashing their soul in the world. We will be focusing on the art of living from our Essential Wholeness and embracing our unique brilliancy. In addition, we will deepen and embody the Soul qualities of Presence, Receptivity and Attunement. You will have a sacred container to undergo deep transformation, and it’s finally time to clear the old trauma’s and blockages within that are impeding your full self expression, self actualization and feminine power. We will work on restoring the wholesome inner child and healing our relationship with our mother—the mother wound—which is a core pillar in our life that affects almost every women in varying degrees; especially when rising in leadership. Self love, self worth and authoring our own lives is deeply connected to the primary relationship we have had with our mothers. Profound insights, deep healing and life changing revelations will be awakened and accompany this process.
Phase 2 of the program is centered on the pillar of pristine self love, empowerment and self expression. We will be diving deeply into any areas of inner darkness that reveal themselves as aspects of self doubt, unworthiness, self sabotage, seeking approval, shame, fear of being visible, suppression in speaking your truth, playing small and dimming your light. We will be excavating all inner shadows that block us from truly shining as the diamond light of existence that we are. Different Goddess archetypes to support and empower you in the areas of your life needing solidification will be introduced. In addition, Nicole will be introducing the art of Transparent Communication that is a powerful tool to be integrated and utilized in all relationships. Authentic interpersonal communication grounded in spiritual maturity is a foundation for establishing clear healthy boundaries with others, and rising in being powerful leaders on this Earth. Sacred relating is an art and a competency that is developed through practice and embodied presence. This module will empower the leader within you to expand your possibilities for your life and service, and empower your feminine flame of power to be unleashed. Nicole will also be sharing skills and capacities connected to wealth consciousness, expressive writing, creative inspiration, soulful business, and the heart and soul of money. Powerful transmissions of empowerment will inspire, uplift and nourish this birthing of the next level of your soul and creative spiritual gifts with the world.
Phase 3 is rooted in awakening and embodying our true inherent divine light, soul essence, and sacred feminine power. Together you will be fully supported in returning to the connection of your ancient feminine swords of light and clarity, the searing truth that burns within—the inner temple of your feminine wisdom. You will be held in a nourishing and safe container throughout the duration of this program in order to undergo deep life changing transformation and upleveling of your being. We will reconnect you back to your deepest longing, and Nicole will share customized guided practices, exercises, and meditations to support you in reclaiming your inner chalice—the awakened heart. When we awaken the true divine heart within, we no longer are bound by fear and stuck in self limiting and self sabotaging beliefs and imprints that hold us back as Evolutionary Leaders. Instead, we live our lives overflowing from the chalice of love within. We burn in truth and express fully. We know ourselves as love, and feel totally complete, whole, and full from just being who we are. A woman connected to the wellspring of love within, is a wayshower of light on the planet who gives from the plentitude and overflowing nature of her own immaculate heart. She uplifts all those around her, because she has reclaimed her inner wholeness and self sovereignty. Love rooted in authentic fierce feminine power and service. The program concludes with the initiation into self mastery, and a unique sacred ritual to consecrate the completion of this 4 month journey of the Sacred Feminine Presence initiation.
This world does not make it easy for women to flourish and thrive in their feminine essence and energy, yet its a revolutionary act to claim what has been stripped and denied to so many of us. Our commitment and calling to restore, heal, reclaim and embody our fullest expression of our sacred feminine presence is a sacred duty and healing for this planet.
The deepest self love is to commit to one's highest evolution.
Dear Sister, join me and other women in this sacred container that will irrevocably change and transform many areas of your life—and usher in miracles of grace, love and expansion. Read the testimonials below from other women that have journeyed together with me to know what is possible for YOU, and your life!
The testimonials from women who have already worked with me, are the living proof of the potency and life changing impact of this program & journey together…
You transmit the fragrance of beauty, radiance and sweetness simply through your heart glowing and radiating love & softness from within the inner petals of your heart. The woman who lives from her inner spark of feminine light lives with direction, self assurance, and power that is navigated from true self sovereignty. She is rooted in her eternal nature…she is lit from within…she experiences the beauty and magnificence within herself and in all of life—through knowing who she is.
What is your deepest longing? Do you yearn to be met deeply in your heart? Do you wish to share your life with your Sacred Masculine counterpart? If you are ready to become the embodiment of the woman that will live and experience this truth and reality—this Sacred Feminine Presence Embodiment Program is for you. I warmly and wholeheartedly invite you to join me in this alchemical and powerful sacred feminine journey, in magic and sisterhood, into the heart of who you are in order to excavate the fully awakened and expressed feminine beauty and power within you. The dissolving of all the imprints & layers that you have accumulated in your life, a deep internal purification, so that you may live the Sacred Feminine template of wholeness, love and presence—and from this embodiment—you will experience being loved, honoured, respected and cherished by men and most importantly the healthy Sacred Masculine principle of life.
Our feminine wholeness & feminine presence embodiment is the energetic template that invites the sacred masculine to enter our life. If we our wounded in our feminine—we will attract toxic relationships with men. Healing our feminine is what liberates us, and allows us to live our life in sacred union with the masculine.
“Nicole is one of only a few woman I have met so far, who embodies a fully awakened, empowered and aligned feminine being. The light she radiates, the wisdom she holds and the love she gives unconditionally to any of the sisters she meets along the way, is outstanding and truly unique. With the softness of her heart which is strong and powerful at the same time, she touches us in our deepest core, igniting the fire of empowerment, courage and uniqueness. Nicole truly encourages all women to become the highest version of themselves. I had an amazing transformation attending her Self Mastery Retreat. After the retreat, she wrote a personalized card for me with a sacred message adressing my old victim story and addictive patterns. I read this empowering message 3 times before going to bed that night. The next morning I woke up, I felt that the disempowered victim self, which I had carried on from my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, had died in this night. I could finally embrace my new and True Self with dignity, love, power and grace. My you shine infinitely in this life and beyond, you are a strong warrior Goddess of light— a true shepherd of consciousness on this Earth.”
~ Jahnavi | Berlin, Germany”
“Dear Nicole, I can’t thank you enough for yesterday. I felt like every word you spoke was a spark that shot into my soul. Your courage and wisdom touched me, as well as your perseverance and dedication to harvesting the light everywhere you go.
I have never met anyone who lives so closely aligned to their truth; and I can feel it vibrating inside of you with every effort you make, with every action, and every spark that comes from your entire Being. I am truly thankful to have met you and feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards the Divine that brought us together.
You inspire courage in me, a sense of lightness, and adventure; I am actually really excited about my life now. I don’t have many role models, never have, but I have to say that you are one of them and for that I am deeply honoured to have spent the time in your presence listening and feeling your truth. Thank you for everything, and we shall meet again; I have no doubt about that. Good luck with your book! I love you my Divine soul sister.”
~ Barbara | Australia”
“Just being in Nicole's presence heightens my mood and lightens my heart. She lives her life in a state of ecstasy and bliss, exuding joy and love from the deepest part of her being.
Her coaching style is very intuitive, heart-centered, and divinely inspired. I instantly felt a shift in my vibrational state during the channeled affirmative prayer she spoke to me. I also experienced a deep sense of peace and serenity during and after the Deeksha blessing she gave me. Nicole is an old soul who is wise beyond her years. This is a woman who is living her truth and yearns to help people do the same. Nicole's coaching will help you tap into your authentic bliss and awaken the dormant power that lies within you. I highly recommend working (playing) with her!"
~ Brittany | Las Vegas, Nevada, USA"
“Being coached by Nicole was an amazing spiritual revolutionary experience. She acts as a spiritual flash light and emits her radiant positive energy into the corners of your consciousness. With the help of her light your own flame grows brighter and stronger and you become more aware of your body, mind, and spirit. When your light and awareness strengthen your world changes and grows to its full potential. I would compare my coaching experience with Nicole to that of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Prior to coaching I felt like my world was black and white however after coaching with Nicole, I feel like I’m in Oz, my world is full of color, life, and creativity! If you are looking to shine your own light on the world of possibilities that are awaiting you, then I would wholeheartedly recommend investing in the Coaching Program with Nicole Hemmer!”
~ Tiffany | Hwasun, South Korea”
“Dear Nicole, I want to share my experience of the session we had yesterday. It has been very inspiring for me on all levels and I found it amazing that the potential you see in me is what I have been getting in dreams and visions as well. So I do know it is accurate.
When we first met last year, you had seen my potential long before I had seen it. I feel empowered by your words, embraced by your presence. There is a strong yet gentle light you shine on me, reminding me of home. It is like speaking to an angel. Truly divine. The prayer that you said for me felt very powerful, I could sense the words coming through you to me directly from source. You are a channel of love and light. I feel through the prayer we anchored this energetic change into my life here on earth. I can feel the difference in my energy field.
Working with you has touched me on many layers and brought me great insights. It definitely is priceless what this one session has done for me. Thank you so much for your work, your essence, your beauty and realness. What a gift you have! Thank you & many blessings.
~ Carolin | Wellington, New Zealand”
“Nicole’s spirit, intelligence, and intuition are a force to be reckoned with. She would hear the underlying messages and truths in the things I expressed and asked thought-provoking questions that uncovered so many essential things about myself. We discovered what my core desires were, my true passions, and she equipped me with life-long skills and exercises to help me chart and navigate my path. With her intuition and skills she has changed my life in just 3 sessions. Nicole has done what Oprah and Deepak Chopra were unable to do. She connected with me through encouraging, inspiring and compassionate conversations and created customized exercises for me to integrate everything into my daily life. When I think of Nicole, she has this light and confidence to her that always leaves me with a positive impression.
Thank you Nicole for opening your heart and mind to me and for removing the mental barriers to living and feeling the life I desire. You have enlightened me and helped me reach the richness, joy, and abundance I was seeking; it was all around me, I just had to be open to receive it. I look forward to continuing this spiritual exchange with you!”
~ Monica | Toronto, Ontario, Canada”
“Do you know who you are?”
These words Nicole spoke awoke something deep and meaningful within me, and have been a guiding light in my quest to become fully the woman I know I am to be. Nicole’s ceremonies and way of sharing her gifts have been instrumental for me. In the space of silence, devotion, beauty, self-responsibility, and gracefulness; the truths of the Goddess become tangibly known deep within and will stay with you forever. Nicole shows what is possible when you cultivate and live this. She calls and speaks to the highest within me. She is not afraid to embody the High Priestess, which takes much courage in today’s modern day world.
As a being, her light is unmistakable. What she transmits is healing, clarifying, and illuminating—a great gift that I appreciate and fully receive.”
~ Danika | South Africa”
“Dear Nicole—the power, clarity, love and strength you are emanating is a gift to the world.
I wanted to let you know that my online program was birthed last night. Finally. It started flowing through so strongly after we spoke—after months of feeling blocked, foggy and no action. I don’t know what shifted it fully but I know our conversation supported this and I’m so grateful for your inquiries that brought me to deeper truth. No more time to waste. This Earth is calling to my soul to step up and step out and I’m committed fully with a passion in my soul. Thank you dearest sister. Your presence, powerful insight, wisdom, clarity and light have the power to unleash what holds one back from fully living their purpose and potential.
~ Dakota | USA”
“Each of us is born with a treasure, in essence, the seed of quiescent potential, waiting for safekeeping in the center of our being. This treasure, this personal quality, power, talent, or gift (or set of such qualities) is ours to develop, and embody, and offer to our communities through acts of service — our countributions to a more diverse, vital, and evolved world. Our personal destiny to is to become that treasure through our very embodiment, presence, essence and actions.”