At the Airport in Marseille

Today something happened that I have never experienced before when traveling. I booked a flight from Marseille to Berlin yesterday afternoon. I felt this pull to return to Berlin after traveling the past 3 weeks in Europe, and I also wanted to attend an event tonight that was happening at 7pm in Berlin. The flight I originally booked would have arrived in Berlin at 4pm. When I woke up this morning I got a notification from German Wings that my flight was delayed 3 hours from 11:10am to 2:10pm. I have never had a flight been delayed 3 hours in all my years of traveling. I arrived at the airport at 12:30pm and went through security and waited at the gate. Then I received another notification that my flight was being delayed to 3:30pm. As I was sitting in the airport waiting, I started to really go within and check whether I was meant to take this flight that I booked. In all the other times I have travelled, there has been much ease and grace...and never a long delay like this. This was the first time I was experiencing multiple delays and being stuck in an airport for such a long time (which is not my favorite place to be stuck for so many hours when you are extremely energetically sensitive and an empath). 

I continued to wait, and then I received another notification that my flight was being delayed yet again until 4:10pm. What are the chances? By this point, I really wasn't so sure I was meant to take the flight...and something felt really off. In my life experience, when multiple things start to go wrong its really a warning sign for me to pay attention and have a greater awareness of my next steps. 

As they started to board, I started to feel sick...and it didn't feel good to get on the plane. Yet at the time, even not having a good feeling about boarding the flight wasn't a strong enough sign for me to not board the flight; so I asked for another sign as a confirmation. Life always gives us signs and communicates with us through synchronicity and events if we are willing to see the deeper meaning and messages being relayed through these events. As I was lined up to board, and one of the last people in line the man scanned my boarding pass and it was rejected by the system. He scanned it again, and it wasn't working. Then he told me that I *WASN'T* even checked in for this flight!!! (...when I checked in online yesterday, and also double checked this morning again that I was checked in after receiving the first notification of my flight delay). Wow.

By this moment, I had such strong goosebumps go through me....and felt this wave of energy in my crown chakra which is a strong sign for me to be aware and really listen. I knew in that moment that I wasn't supposed to get on that plane. I couldn't get on the plane. Logically and rationally it didn't make any sense, yet it seemed like all of Life was trying to tell me not to fly today. Everyone else boarded and I knew I couldn't get on the plane with seeing all the signs and messages that were telling me not to. I asked the man if anyone else had the same problem today with their boarding pass and not being checked in and he said nobody else--only me. Out of 106 people boarding the plane, my boarding pass was the only one being rejected by the computer system and was mysteriously not "checked in" for this flight. Could the signs be any clearer?

So I have one more night in Provence...just had a bath, drinking tea and laying down with a candle lit beside my bed. Trusting life. Trusting the signs, even when in this moment I have no idea why I wasn't meant to take that flight today. This has never happened before in my life. I do know that everything happens for a reason, and sometimes not getting what you want is a touch of grace. In this moment I don't have the answer...maybe I will know one day, or maybe I will never know why I wasn't meant to fly today--what I am sure about is that there is a higher force that we can call God/Life/Universe (our expanded Self) that always takes care of us and is able to see the whole picture, even when my human self doesn't always have the answers. Surrender and trust

Activating the Sacred Feminine: 6 Months in Berlin

Thank you Berlin for being my playground and training ground the past 6 months. I realized I did 17 Sacred Women Circle’s + Workshops and 5 Sacred Feminine Retreats during this time with over 213+ women from around the world! A total of 22 events during these last months. Synchronistically, it turns out that the number 22 is also my Master Number in numerology; with 22 being the "Master Builder". 

6 months ago I was on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. I was standing in the sacred waters of Wai'ale'ale during a 10 hour internal vision quest and journey. I was asking life what my next steps were. In the silence of the valley, I heard a small gentle voice within say clearly: “GO BACK TO BERLIN AND ACTIVATE THE SACRED FEMININE WITHIN WOMEN AND THE CITY". I knew I had to go. I felt this divine calling and mission very strongly. During this time, I was going through many intense experiences and everything had disintegrated in my life that was not a part of my true path. I felt like I was being annihilated and crucified on the cross. I had never experienced such deep pain since I was 19 years old going through my first dark night of the soul period of my life. 

Anytime we are not truly on our authentic path, life will come in and burn, dissolve and disintegrate whatever is holding you back from truly living your sacred purpose and service. And boy, did the Goddess come into my life so fiercely to bring me back to my divine mission. 

Many people around me told me not to go back to Berlin. A friend and mentor at the time, a woman who I deeply admired and looked up to as a source of inspiration was telling me not to return to Berlin and instead I should continue with my education and do my Ph.D in Spiritual Psychology. She advised me to drop the spiritual world for a bit, and go back into psychology and do my doctorate. Even though I appreciated her guidance, the voice of my own soul spoke to me so strongly…the truth that resided within me was so potent and clear, that I knew I had to follow my own inner voice as opposed to listening to someone else. It takes so much courage to live a life where you follow your own inner guidance, and do not listen to others over your own inner knowing…even when these people might be guides, teachers or people you look up to in someway. The truth is that **ONLY YOU KNOW** what you have to do in this lifetime. Others can point us in directions, yet you must remain sovereign in your own inner authority to your soul.

I went back to Berlin for 1 reason—to share, activate, anchor, embody and ignite the sacred feminine once again. 

This work that I have been summoned to do, has been infused with nothing less then Divine Grace. I did not choose this work, it chose me. It called to me. It beckoned me to remember. Because it has been so strongly a “transpersonal” calling (beyond the personal self), it has nourished me and ignited within me so much passion, dedication, commitment, discipline, focus, courage, ease and grace. There is something magical that happens when our actions our aligned with the greater intelligence and wisdom of the universe. When we are serving the greater calls of evolution, evolution supports us 100%. This I know as truth.

A holy man in Kauai once said to me, “The greatest gift is to have more of God to work through you. Real work is allowing God to manifest love through you. If that’s not happening, then its not real work. Get to work—that means to go back to God.” <3

During these past 6 months I was in 6 countries... I travelled from Germany to Switzerland, England, Holland, Denmark and Greece. When I haven’t been doing this work that I love so much, my life in Berlin has been so rich, colorful and full. I have been meeting up with friends…going to the spa/sauna…eating my favorite foods….raw vegan ice-cream, chia bowls, fresh pressed juices and acai bowls. I’ve been painting my White Tara Tibetan Thangka painting. I did a workshop at the Berlin Forever Now Festival and also one in Zurich, Switzerland. I attended a 5 day Tantra Massage Seminar for women in the German countryside. I've taken the time to receive bodywork such as Shiatsu, Lomi Lomi and tantra massage. Did a juice cleanse and went to a Crystal Sauna with healing salt waters. Attended the Deva Premal concert, FemmeQ Conference, and Peruqois's powerful workshop in Amsterdam. I was asked to model for my friend's Ancient Feminine jewelry line launching this summer and had an amazing photoshoot...and I spent a whole month on the magical Greek island of Corfu attending a month long retreat with the Awakening Women Institute. When I was in Berlin this summer, I went into nature and swam in the lakes and did a sweat lodge ceremony for the first time in my life. ALL OF THIS BEAUTY, ABUNDANCE and FULLNESS--opened in my life as a portal through me being true to the higher calling of love that was seeking expression through my being. The form of how this Divine Love has crystalized through me has been through the Sacred Women Circle's and workshops. 

From a young age, my mom often could not understand why I was always doing so much. She often told me I do too much. Yet, this is the only way I know how to live…full on….living fully….in a completely expanded state of potentiality and expansion. I feel so much expansion and unlimited potentiality within myself, that there is still so much more to be actualized. So much fire that burns inside me. So much thats meant to take root and fully blossom. Human potential, self actualization and entering the realms of extraordinary have been one of my main passions since I was a young girl. My thirst and hunger.

In essence, what I've learned is that when you have the courage to follow your heart and soul, being led by a higher impetus that serves evolution, humanity and all of life--you will be supported. You will THRIVE. You will overflow in all ways and your life will be a living breathing testament of what is possible. Being in service to God/Life/Goddess/All That Is is the nectar of a life infused with grace...not my will, but thy will be done. 

Much love,

This is [not] the Feminine.

This year has been a year of major initiations for me. The stronger the calling I have felt to do this Sacred Feminine work with women around the world, the more I have experienced the shadows of the feminine coming to the be seen, transmuted and cleared. The more committed I am to unifying women, bringing women back together in sacred circle, sisterhood, restoring the sacred feminine light and embodying the Divine Feminine; the more I have been faced with the unhealthy aspects of the feminine--jealousy, gossiping, competing, backstabbing, controlling, bitchiness, and manipulation. This is [not] the Feminine. These are distortions.

The template of true sisterhood is already in us.
The pristine essence of sisterhood is true, beautiful, pure and clear.
Authentic womanhood.

Something that I have noticed recently, is that a woman may think that her "inner masculine" is just fine, and want to now strengthen her connection to her “inner feminine”, without even realizing that what she may perceive as her “healthy” masculine energy is actually not healthy masculine energy at all. It’s the shadow of the masculine, and an Inner Patriarch that resides within disguised as the masculine. 

“What we mistake as “fine” is our unconscious submission to our inner Pushers, Perfectionists, Controllers and Critics—or our Inner Patriarchs. What most of us consider to be “masculine” is the deranged, patriarchal masculine—one that is equally damaging to men and women. We mistake the inner Patriarch for the Divine Masculine. He’s what brings us to women’s work in the first place. In this way, we come here believing that the “masculine” is the problem and the answer is to completely shun this part of ourselves by focusing only on our “feminine”.” -Sara Avant Stover, The Book of She: Your Heroine’s Journey into the Heart of Feminine Power.

Yet, its really the integration and wholeness of both energies within that bring us back into true union.

True masculine energy expressed through a man or a woman, exerts power WITHOUT force and manipulation. 
Rooted in the heart and in service to love, for all beings.

True power is gentle and strong, not forceful and domineering.
True power is gentle and strong, not forceful and domineering.
True power is gentle and strong, not forceful and domineering.

May we all recognize the last threads of patriarchy that are not just reflected externally in the world (or in men), but also are silently operating within ourselves…and in us women: domination, control, forcefulness, aggression, manipulation, power over others etc. The patriarchy is not just ingrained in men, its also programmed deeply within the psyches of women. This is what has been brought to the light recently for me to see. Being physically a woman, yet run by the Inner Patriarch. 

Just as the purity of the sacred feminine is growing and being restored now on a global level, the true healthy divine masculine is very much needed in union with the sacred feminine. I love, respect, honor and bow to the true Divine Masculine within men and women. The shadows of the masculine and the feminine are complete. For us to birth a new world and future thats in alignment with what we all know is possible, the purity of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine templates need to be resurrected and restored back into its original purity, and this means the complete transmutation of any distortions in these fields. As within, so without. ☥

~ Nicole Hemmer

Our Sacred Embodiment of the Feminine is Restoring the Planet

Tonight we had a beautiful Sacred Women Circle on the beach here on the magical island of Kauai under the stars. Five sisters came together in circle from Australia, Ecuador, Sweden, Canada and the USA. Sisterhood is medicine. Sacred Women Circle's are healing, transformative and pure nourishment for the soul. We lit candles and had shells, sea stars and a beautiful pink conch shell as our alter centerpiece. We reflected to each other the great mystical beauty that we are...the infinity that we emanate through every cell of our being. The sparkling God essence that shines through our eyes...the individuated spark of life that we are. With presence, expression, authenticity, touch, massage, giving + receiving and reflecting each other's true nature back to each other; something within was sparked alive under a sky filled with twinkling stars smiling down at us. 

It was my first time doing a Sacred Women Circle outside under the stars at night by the ocean. We ate fresh ripe guava and papaya...chanted and beheld each other in our divinity, light and pure beauty. 

My realization tonight is that healthy relationships amongst women are so important. An old paradigm of gossiping, back stabbing, competition and hurting each other is so DONE. The birthing of the feminine is one of supporting each other to rise into our greatness. For all to RISE. 

Amongst women, we have the power to support other women to rise in our inspire, uplift, elevate and encourage each other...and at the same time we have the capacity to destroy each other and push each other down. We have the power to see each other's beauty and affirm the goodness within each other, and we have the power to break another women's heart with our impure words and actions. We can see each other as sisters or we can see each other as competitors. We can love each other up, or we can throw each other down.

The time is now.

Our sacred embodiment of the feminine is restoring the planet. Anything that is not in alignment with the Great Mother is shifting out. The old cannot withstand the new birthing that is happening within each of us. 

May we rise--and support each other. Uplift each other and love each other.

I realized tonight that it doesn't matter how self realized or "enlightened" you are as a woman, if you are not capable of cultivating healthy relationships with other humans in mutuality, honor, respect, integrity and love. The walls and veils of hierarchy are done. We do not worship one woman as the Goddess, we worship the Goddess within ourselves and in each Sister we see...and in every breath of life and every spark of creation. Every single woman on this Earth embodies the Divine Mother. Lying and manipulating others is done. Abuse of power is done. True power is gentle and strong, not forceful and domineering. We never have to intimidate others with our power when we truly know what real power is. The Earth is screaming for all of us to remember and wake up from all the distortions, separation and brutality. 

May we be it.

~ Nicole Hemmer